Top 8 Sightseeing Things To Do With Your Out of Town Guests in DC


Your out of town guests are here. Maybe you expected their visit or maybe you didn’t, but what is intended to be a fun weekend can sometimes turn into stress if you don’t have a plan. Luckily, you live in DC and there are TONS of things to do! Below are the top 8 ideas to keep your guest busy during the day and at night!



Capitol – Free. 1st St NE & E Capitol St. Undeniably the most famous landmark in the U.S., the Capitol will be a sure fire hit with out-of-towners. It’s where Congress does all its law-making magic and where both the House and upper Senate meet. You’ll want to kick of your visit at the Capitol Visitor Center.



White House – Free. Pennsylvania Ave. The White House is an awe-inspiring structure that needs to be on every visitor’s list of places to see. If you manage to secure a public tour you’ll be able to check out several rooms in the main residence. There is also a White House visitor center, which has some fascinating things to see as well. 



Newseum – 555 Pennsylvania Ave NW. Newseum is a striking six-story museum 100% dedicated to Journalism history. It features Pulitzer prize winning photographs, award-winning films and other news story exhibits. Many refer to it as the best museum experience in DC. Modest admission fees. Check website for details.



Holocaust Memorial Museum – 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW. To truly understand the relevance of the Holocaust, the Holocaust Memorial Museum is a must visit. At the main exhibit you are given the identity card of a single Holocaust victim and you’ll learn their personal story throughout your visit.  Tickets are needed for the Permanent Exhibition only. Check their website for details.    




National Museum of African American History and Culture – Free. 1400 Constitution Ave. NW. Established by an Act of Congress in 2003, the NMAAHC is the only national museum devoted entirely to the documentation of African American life, history and culture. It has welcomed over 3.5 million visitors since opening in 2016. The museum offers multiple options for obtaining passes. Check website for details.    



Lincoln Memorial  – Free. The Lincoln Memorial is well lit at night and a beautiful sight around dusk. The site features a statue of Lincoln, murals, and inscriptions. The interior of the memorial is divided into three chambers (north, south, and central) and it is surrounded by 38 fluted Doric columns representing each of the 36 states in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death.  



Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial – Free. The MLK Memorial is the first of it’s kind dedicated to a non president as well as to an African American. It is a meticulously built sculpture that is truly stunning. The statue itself is surrounded by beautiful walls containing King’s most inspiring quotes. 1850 W. Basin Dr. SW.




Washington Monument – This universally recognizable structure is definitely one of the must see monuments in DC. It’s a dedication to America’s first president, and features a fabulous 70 second elevator ride to the observation deck at the top. 



Now Go Relax and Have Fun This Weekend!

So you’ve got your sightseeing list out of the way. Be sure to head over to our Events page to make sure you are in the know for other fun things to do this weekend.


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